How do you balance your feminine nature with the competition that exists in athletics and sports? With a high level of personal expectations and the influences to be the best, how do you increase the ability to flow, feel free, and lessen rigidity from structure?


feminine, female warrior, warrior athlete, willow ryan, female identityQuite honestly, this is a work in progress. It is an ebb and flow sometimes balancing and sometimes not. The trick is to ensure you have a strategy to draw you back towards center or with integrity to your balance point. Often femininity and athleticism seem like two separated worlds and, truth be told, they are if we have not yet found our own convergence. A lack of knowing this convergence point can lead to separations of “self” and a deep rooted internal conflict of wanting to be both feminine and athletic and not seeing their compatibility.


If such a conflict exists, you may have a pattern of leaping from one end of the spectrum to the absolute opposite end in a blink of an eye. Too much polarity can leave you exhausted and stressed. Do these Mental Strategy Exercises (MSE) to lessen the burden of being “both” and find your identity within your unique ranges:


MSE 1:

Get to know your femininity clearly. What do you do, say, wear, or speak that recreates your connection to your feminine self? List them and be specific with your answers.


MSE 2:

Get to know your range of femininity. When do you feel too much or when do you feel there is not enough?


MSE 3:

Get to know your warrior athlete clearly. What do you do, say, wear or speak that recreates your connection to your warrior athlete self? List them and be specific with your answers.


MSE 4:

Get to know your range of warrior athlete. When do you feel too much or when do you feel there is not enough?


MSE 5:

Draw these two on a spectral line and mark the center point as you see it, when you feel balanced and relaxed in your self. Write down the qualities of each under their title.


feminine, female warrior, warrior athlete, willow ryan, female identity


MSE 6:

Draw this spectral line again and mark the center point closer towards your feminine side as you see yourself with your sense of going with the flow, remaining soft, and being open to possibilities.


MSE 7:

Draw this spectral line again and mark the center point closer towards your warrior athlete side as you see yourself with your sense of achievement and ambition to succeed in your pursuits.


feminine, female warrior, warrior athlete, willow ryan, female identityMSE 8: Integration

What qualities can you weave in to your feminine side of the spectrum so you don’t feel as though you are losing or cutting off completely your warrior athlete? Write them in where appropriate on the spectral line. For instance, if a specific quality of your warrior athlete is measuring time, where might this quality come in useful for your feminine side? Conversely, if a specific quality of your femininity is adornment and appearance, where might this quality come in useful for your warrior athlete? Perhaps what you end up with is a sense of uniting both ranges – a time honoring, structured woman and an enbeautied, radiant athletic Woman.


Integration is about befriending and uniting both aspects of self, and finding the qualities in both that will make you a well-rounded and flexible woman. This lessens psychic strain and relieves the self of having to be separated individuals within one body. This will help you feel validated and without judgment, and ultimately loving yourself.

Original Article by: Willow Ryan at